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City Core Puzzle


This is another puzzle that you will need an artifact set and special currency to start the puzzle.


Artifact set: A Knights tour

Currency: A Magic Sheep Dropping X5 (can be acquired from the Playing Sheep Achievement in Pelladane)

Location: 7000,9769


     There is a large vine behind the building that you can use to reach the puzzle. Upon reaching the top of the building you will see a Knight Chess Piece in a tower. Click on the Knight and you will be teleported to the puzzle. Upon arriving at the puzzle you will see several red lights, a large chess piece, a medium size chess piece and 8 small chess knights in a circle. Stand where you can reach each of the small knights. Going clockwise number them 1-8 starting with knight . There is a certain order you need to click the small knights. You will need to start with piece number 5. Upon clicking the knights the red lights will change to blue/green. Repeat the order again until the lights turn white. Upon successfully turning them white you will loot a key. Use the key to loot the chest. Upon looting the chest you will earn the achievement "City Knights." Congrats the puzzle is complete.


Order of pieces:


Piece 1) 12,25,27,29

Piece 2) 6,10,15,20,36

Piece 3) 11,21,33,35

Piece 4) 2,8,19,26,28

Piece 5) 1,9,14,18

Piece 6) 3,17,23,24,32

Piece 7) 4,7,16,31

Piece 8) 5,13,22,30,34

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